Hernia Repair in Knoxville
Welcome to the Premier Hernia Center. A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through a weakness or hole in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. While hernia can appear in the navel, groin area, or upper thigh, they are most common in the abdomen.
Hernias can affect men, women and children of any age. Inguinal hernias (occurring in the groin) are the most common type of hernia. Approximately 75% of abdominal hernias are Inguinal, occurring frequently in men than women.
With an estimated 500,000 – 600,000 procedures performed each year, hernia repair is one of the common surgeries done in the United States. We know that all hernias are not created equal. The type and severity of hernias vary greatly. The surgeons of Premier Surgical Associates specialize in repairing both simple hernias and complex hernias with abdominal wall reconstruction. Our goal is to provide a lasting, successful repair that will improve your mobility and quality of life.