Preparing for Complex Hernia Surgery
Because factors like smoking, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, poor nutrition and previous wound infections can diminish the success of hernia surgery, our surgeons counsel hernia patients before surgery to help lower known risk factors. Smoking cessation, adequate control of diabetes, weight management, and proper nutrition are necessary elements for achieving a successful, lifelong hernia repair.
Premier Surgical has partnered with Fort Sanders Health & Fitness to offer N.E.W. University. This Nutrition, Education, and Wellness program is designed to help Complex Hernia patients meet their pre-surgery weight, health and nutrition goals. Our patients are required to have a healthy weight, control their diabetes, and stop smoking before undergoing a complex hernia procedure.
CeDAR: Calculate your Risk
From Carolinas HealthCare System, calculate your risk for wound-related problems & associated costs from a ventral hernia repair with this free app available on Google Play and the App Store!
Hernia repairs are among the most common operations performed in the world. The Carolinas Equation for Determining Associated Risks (CeDAR) predicts the risks and financial impact of wound-related problems following ventral hernia repair.
CeDAR provides surgeons and patients with a powerful tool that can predict individualized wound outcomes after abdominal hernia surgery. It also offers information on types of hernias and their treatments. Users simply answer eight questions about themselves, including height and weight. A percentage chance of developing specific postoperative complications requiring treatment is calculated along with the corresponding cost of this treatment. These results can then be used to discuss a patient’s risk for wound problems after surgery and what they can change to improve the odds for a good result. We believe assessing and understanding a patient’s preoperative health status can significantly impact postoperative outcomes.