For common small hernias such as an inguinal or umbilical hernia, the hole or weakness is often repaired using a mesh material, commonly with laparoscopic techniques. For non-complex hernias, the repair is usually performed as outpatient surgery and patients can normally go home the same day.
Painful or enlarging hernias usually require surgery to relieve discomfort and prevent serious complications. For common small hernias such as an inguinal or umbilical hernia, the hole or weakness is often repaired using a mesh material to reinforce and support the weakened area. A hernia may be repaired using an open or laparoscopic technique. Hernia repair is one of the most common surgeries in the United States. According to the FDA, over one million Americans undergo some type of hernia surgery annually.
Laparoscopy Repair
In this minimally invasive procedure, a few small incisions are made in your abdomen. The surgeon places a tiny laparoscope (a viewing tube with a camera) and small instruments through the incisions. The organs or tissues are pushed back into their original position and the abdominal wall is reinforced with a special mesh that is secured by sutures, stables, or tacks. This is often an out-patient procedure.
Most non-complex hernia laparoscopic repair patients experience minimal pain and scarring and a return to their normal activities within a week to 10 days. Laparoscopic hernia repair may be a good choice for patients who have previously had traditional hernia surgery because it can allow the surgeon to avoid scar tissue from the earlier surgery.
Laparoscopic hernia surgery may not good option if you:
- Have a hernia on both sides of the body
- Have a very large hernia
- Have undergone previous pelvic surgery
- Can’t undergo general anesthesia
Open Hernia Repair
In this procedure the surgeon makes an incision in your abdomen or groin and the bulging intestine or tissue is pushed back into place and sewed securely. The weakened area is usually reinforced and supported with a mesh material.
Patients can expect to be hospitalized an average of 5 days following complex open hernia repair. You will be encouraged to move about soon after surgery, but it may be 4-6 weeks before you are fully able to resume normal activities.
Your Premier Surgical physician will discuss your hernia treatment options with you and determine which repair method is best for you.
Preparing for a Successful Complex Hernia Surgery
Because factors like smoking, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, poor nutrition and previous wound infections can diminish the success of hernia surgery, our surgeons counsel hernia patients before surgery to help lower known risk factors. Smoking cessation, adequate control of diabetes, weight management, and proper nutrition are necessary elements for achieving a successful, lifelong hernia repair.
Our Complex Hernia patients are required to have a healthy weight, control their diabetes, and stop smoking before undergoing a complex hernia procedure.